Welcome to Issue #2 of ARC Insider - your snackable digest on all things ARC! 2022 was not the easiest for many, but with a new year comes new opportunities and a refreshed determination to make this trip around the sun the best one yet. We’re due a good year after the last few we’ve had, right?

So without further ado, let’s commence the first issue of 2023 with some words from Elroy, Co-Founder of ARC!

2023: A New Year, A New Beginning

"What a year 2022 has been. A historic period for crypto and Web3, it also marked ARC's first venture into the space at the height of its growth. And while the market downturn didn’t surprise us, unfortunate events that followed definitely did.

Trust and confidence had been on the rise, but certain “bad actors” managed to diminish the progress we’ve made in the space. It was saddening. Disheartening, even. But that didn’t dampen the team’s drive to pursue our goal of building Asia’s predominant Web3 collective.

The idea was simple yet mighty. We wanted to form a diverse community with strong bonds and productive community interactions, through which value could be created for and by its members. The concept was a blue ocean in Asia, which was still waiting for a thriving and engaged digital network that connected the region.

I’m happy to share that so far, ARC has established a small but strong community of movers and shakers. Our family includes founders, builders, creatives, VCs, KOLs, celebrities etc., who are either crypto natives or have a strong motivation and passion in Web3. And despite currently being noted as one of the prominent digital communities in the region, we dare not claim any titles.

In 2023, macro markets are expected to remain depressed. Nonetheless, ARC has major plans for our community with three short-term focuses for the year.

Our first and foremost priority is to grow the number of Stellars and expand the geographic footprint for our members' acquisition. We'll be travelling much more this year, especially to major events in key cities so do look out for our updates!

Next, we want to establish a strong foundation around sub-groups, each with its leaders and defined short-term objectives. In fact, I'm very encouraged that some of them have already started ideating on projects and making proposals. These sub-groups will work independently and in collaboration to achieve our goal of collective value creation.

Lastly, we will kickstart co-creation projects to give value back to members. ARC has two types of them - projects that have the potential to enrich our members monetarily, and projects that do not, but give a separate form of value, e.g. merch, physical locations and token-gated ARC publications.

While the two points above are a focus in the short term, building a community-focused project like ARC means we need to provide the best experience for our members both online and offline. As a bet on digital communities, we created the app as our very own infrastructure to house our members. We can't wait to share how it will evolve in the coming months.

There is so much to look forward to in the new year and I’m raring to go. Thank you all for coming along on this journey with us. Catch you soon at our next get-together!"

- Elroy

Recap Of Town Halls

As the market licked its wounds emerging from the ‘November Nightmare’ of the FTX/SBF scandal, the ARC team soldiered on with their plans unperturbed. To borrow recent words of wisdom from the great and powerful Gabriel Yang, “We pick up the pieces and move along.”

On 5 Dec, the hotly anticipated ARC app was launched! The first Town Hall on the app took place within those hallowed halls on 8 Dec.

Here are some of the highlights from the discussion:

  • Security Update
    As previously mentioned in Issue 1, ARC is unaffected by the FTX situation. Despite this, the team has taken steps to shift some project funds onto a multi-sig wallet for security and operational purposes.
  • Updates on ‘Playgrounds’
    The team's looking at a new concept based on something they've seen in LA. “We will share more when details are finalised!
  • Wen merch? Soon™
    Designs are now finalised. Founder and "Chief Merchandise Officer", Kiat Lim, is conducting rigorous quality control inspections.
  • Wen Stellars Reveal?
    It’s anticipated that work on the art will begin soon.
  • Vision For the App
    “A digital home for the community to co-create and have fun together.” Stellars were encouraged to contribute and engage inside the app to help foster the right community experience.
  • Co-creation
    The goal is to have a cycle of projects coming out of ARC that continue to give back to members.

Pyxis holders, you have not been forgotten! Here is the TL;DR from the Discord Town Hall hosted on 9 Dec:

  • Pyxis Night Out
    Weekly VCs with guest speakers are to take place. Topics will range from Arts and Culture to Web3 and NFTs, to name a few.
  • ARC App Alpha
    Snippets of content from the ARC app will be shared with Pyxis in the Discord.
  • Weekly Round-up
    A summary of the week's events will be posted in the Discord every Friday.
  • Contributors' Programme
    Squads are being onboarded and we are almost ready for take off! Find out how you can get involved here.

What’s Next For The ARC Universe?

Here’s a pretty looking visual laying out the “wen?” and “wat?” of ARC; everything which Stellar and Pyxis holders can expect over the coming months!

ARC App Content

The ARC app has been host to an onslaught of exclusive content since launching, available only to those who hold both ARC Stellars and Pyxis. Highlights have included:

  • Getting to know Co-Founder @JJ_Lin on a more personal level in his ‘Stories Rediscovered’ session on 5 Jan
  • Lessons in how to better navigate the volatile world of crypto in ‘The Market Narrative’ with @eugenkyj from QCP Capital
  • Exploring the use cases for real estate in crypto via the ‘Real Estate with Unreal Internet Monies’ Audio Room with @0xRealFi and @EthNowEth from @citadao_io & @wassielawyer
  • Ryan and Yi Ming from @tribex_co shared stories of entrepreneurship, management, and takeaways from the setbacks encountered during the ‘Building Digital Communities’ Audio Room
  • The ‘Crypto ARCade’ session with @donovanchoy from Bankless kept everyone up to date on the latest trends and narratives in the crypto scene
  • Both sceptics and NFT believers battled it out in the ‘No Fudding Thanks’ Audio Room, discussing whether NFTs are really necessary. Hosted by @Vigil_eth, @fridgeintheopen, @TheCryptoBubble & @KENX3495
  • Stellars got up close and personal with @9gagceo in his ‘Stories Rediscovered’ AMA session
  • A Stellar-initiated Audio Room where members of the community shared their best Notion tips and hacks with each other. Thanks to Jeffrey for initiating this helpful discussion!
  • Another Stellar-initiated audio room, this time from @zunahn + @ddskiwi, on NFT project Valhalla
  • @katamichiww recently wrote a storytelling playbook for the metaverse, exclusively for PR & Marketing peers!
  • @andyhsu_eth shared with us he reviews interesting projects on his Medium
  • @Phoenixxdown wrote a set of Web3 security and best practice articles and shared it on the ARC app: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.

Launch Of Campgrounds

Let’s say you’re a talented Web3 enthusiast with a ton of energy, ideas and willingness to add value to the ARC Universe. However, there’s just one problem, you don’t have a spare 3 ETH laying around to mint the Stellar.

Fear not, for the ARC Campgrounds programme is here to save the day! In line with the ARC ethos that Web3 is the great equaliser, Campgrounds is a one-of-a-kind scholarship that will empower contributors who face such financial constraints.

Here’s the criteria in order for you to participate:

  1. Be a Pyxis holder
  2. Be able to commit to a 6-month season as a Lead or Project Manager for a sub-community
  3. Be willing to dox, in order for the team to assess applications comprehensively
  4. Be able to share information about your background in order for the team to confidently assess financial situations

Sounds good? Read on here, and apply to become a Camper today via this form.

ARC Stellars Updates

Speaking Engagements

Head of Community, @alvinologist, along with ARC Co-Founder Elroy Cheo, and ARC Stellar, Alan Kueh, were all invited to share their thoughts on Web3 and the metaverse with OCBC Bank in December.

Alvin commented: “Elroy and I shared on what we seek to achieve at ARC the Community, using NFT and blockchain technology to reimagine the membership model for a private club to enable connections, collaborations and co-creation.”

Alan took the opportunity to share with the audience his experience on building an NFT project with a metaverse play.

Community Events

There have been four major community events held since our last issue! The first was in Hong Kong on 30 Nov, hosted by @paperworker and @baobaoz_nft, who helped spread the ARC hotpot culture to those in attendance.

On the same day over in the beautiful city of Seoul, @zunahn organised a Thanksgiving dinner for the ARC community in Gangnam District. Many thanks indeed goes out to our Seoul Lead for bringing us together!

Not to be outdone, our Tokyo City Lead, @upsandesu, organised a snug gathering on 4 Dec for ARC community members (and a rogue Stormtrooper) where they bonded over some delicious French cuisine. Magnifique!

Last but not least, the famed @wassieEmporium hosted a Stellars-only coffee cupping session on 10 Dec in Singapore.

Providing Value

We recently had MVHQ inside the ARC Discord speaking on ‘NFT Investing & Winning in Web3’. CEO, Mitch Lacsamana, dropped tons of alpha on how to level up in the NFT space! Don’t worry if you missed it, your boy @atquiremoar has got you covered with this awesome TL;DR!

We were honoured to have @Dragonis.eth come in and discuss the question "Is DevRel (Developers Relations) just marketing for developers?" Dragonis's impressive history as an ex-TV/radio writer, producer and host, to now turned marketer for HyperverseDAO and NftyDreams, made for a very enlightening discussion!

WL & Giveaways

ARC’s collaborations with other prominent projects emerging in the NFT space carried on with pace during December, with members gaining WL to such mints as HTMKER and Nanoverse P2.

The ARC Universe extends far and wide beyond just Web3 though. Stellars were lucky enough to gain VIP invites to Johnnie Walker’s world-first ‘Discover the Depth of Blue’ multi-sensory tasting experience at the Mandala Club in Singapore.