Bella’s passion for learning and radiant spirit makes her an outspoken individual who isn’t afraid to ask questions and express her thoughts and opinions. 

She was working in the events industry until Covid hit, putting a stop to most, if not all physical events. Bella was eventually approached by her current boss at CitaDAO, a DeFi marketplace that revolutionises real estate by transforming property values into tradeable digital tokens, combining REIT-like features with blockchain benefits. She has been central to their growth from the early days, skillfully handling user growth, marketing, branding, partnerships, events, and product design. Her strategic approach has significantly raised CitaDAO's profile in the Real World Asset and Real Estate Tokenization sectors, earning recognition in top publications and at major institutions.

What made Bella stay in Web3?

Bella describes the Web3 world as “very alive” where people are constantly active and meeting one another. What fascinated her was the technology and the ability to send money across borders without much friction. 

Curiosity made her dive deeper into the rabbit hole of Web3 as she explored and worked in many different projects covering the different aspects of Web3 such as DeFi, SocialFi, and now RWAs. 

Why did Bella join ARC? 

Bella found out about ARC when she made a trip to Singapore for an event, Metajam. Coincidentally, ARC was put on the same panel as CitaDAO, the company Bella currently works in which sparked a conversation among our team members.Having been a part of other communities, she realised that many people were satisfied with small events like going to a bar to have drinks and going for parties at a club. 

“But after joining ARC, I could tell that the members were different and genuinely growth-minded.”

How has ARC impacted Bella? 

ARC has helped Bella connect with people in other parts of the world. The main difference she sees in ARC that she doesn’t see in other communities is that members are willing to share their experiences freely as members are keen to grow and learn from each other.

“Having Bobby from CoinGecko, Arthur from DeFiance Capital and founders of Coinseeker all in one place and talking freely, it’s really a great membership club.”

While she doesn’t have any intentions to extract value, simply being in ARC, listening and talking to these people have given her good insights on what notable people are looking into while most of the time, she would have to pay to be at their events to listen to these ideas. 

ARC has also been a place for Bella to learn because of the activities we organise such as educational Audio Rooms. Along with the diversity of our members and having experts in every aspect such as NFTs, DeFi, and even Sports, it gives her the opportunity to expand her knowledge. Bella always takes the opportunity during these sessions to satisfy her own curiosity by directly posing questions to industry experts, thought leaders and builders that members have access to via ARC. 

Why should anyone join ARC? 

“Networking, self development, personal branding.” 

She mentioned that being a Stellar grants you access to networking opportunities, education that helps with self development, and an instant boost in personal reputation. 

“Now that the ARC brand is a lot bigger and reputable, it’s nice when I go out and people recognise me as an ARC Stellar.”
“Other NFT communities are famous for partying, and if you’re active in that space, great. But ARC is building something serious and if you’re serious about building, you’ll feel like you’re contributing something to the space. It’s a reflection of the community.”

Editor’s Note:

Having someone like Bella who participates so actively, supports our initiatives and contributes so willingly drives us as a team to do more. 

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