From first thinking that ARC was just a club for rich and successful people to connect with others like them, to becoming a member and now a genuine advocate, NFT Unker’s story as a Stellar is one that should interest the cynics. 

NFT Unker’s voyage into cryptocurrency began in February 2018, right after crypto heated up towards the end of 2017. Surprisingly, his first purchase of Ethereum was an OTC deal. But it was then that the market took a downturn, resulting in NFT Unker going dormant for a while. It was in late 2020 that NFT Unker returned again to Web3 when NFTs started to pick up steam. This eventually led him down the rabbit hole of trading NFTs. 

The COVID-19 pandemic gave him both the time and opportunity to explore the world of Web3 even more and it was during the lockdown that he started to join Discord communities, actively chatting with others, and learning exponentially about crypto. 

What was NFT Unker’s first impression of ARC?

NFT Unker recalls when Pyxis (now Fyrian) first launched, there was the hyped period when people were referring ARC to all their Web3 friends and there was a huge rush of applications during a time that he defined as “the flipping era”. 

Despite that, he was unsure about the community due to various misperceptions about ARC and the founders during the community’s early launch days. 

That all changed when he attended a poker session organised by a fellow Stellar, Collin Seow and met Elroy. And through those conversations, he gradually learnt more about Elroy and realised that he was actually a crypto OG and had in-depth knowledge and experience from his early days in DeFi and Protocols.

Meeting other Stellars through ARC’s weekly futsal games also piqued his interest about the community and the people in it. 

“I really like the vibes. Collin and Elroy were the starting point. But meeting people at futsal every week, you just enjoy their company.”

How has NFT Unker’s experience in ARC been? 

“zero regrets getting my Stellar. I never have to check the floor price. Or maybe check the floor price and get one more Stellar because I'm quite sure once it mints out, the value will be immense.”

From weekly futsal sessions, suppers after to audio rooms in the ARC app, NFT Unker mentions that unknowingly, ARC has become a genuine homebase for him in the world of Web3. 

Specifically regarding the audio rooms, the speakers that ARC have brought in already “pays for the mint of the Stellar”.

As an NFT native, NFT Unker appreciates the diversity of the community that allows him to learn about the broader Web3 landscape, whether it be from crypto to protocols to DeFi. 

Why should anyone join ARC? 

“ARC has done very well in building a community that can cater to anyone in the space, whether you’re new or an OG.”

NFT Unker mentions that a unique trait about ARC is that the members who have achieved relative success are still willing to interact and welcome new members. 

“Value is not just about flipping. If you gain the right knowledge, meet the right people, there’s actually a lot of opportunities.” 

He describes ARC as a place where Stellars want to help each other succeed and for anyone who joins the Web3 space with an intention to do better in life, they will find their place in ARC. He sees ARC as a community to help you accelerate your growth. 

The “dual key system”, having a Fyrian and an ARC Stellar, also shows that the community is heavily curated since nobody can access the ARC app without both the tokens. 

What is your secret wish for how ARC can help you in the longer-term?

“Hopefully ARC can help me retire”


Editor’s Note: 

From a sceptic to becoming a highly-involved member and advocate, NFT Unker has since connected the community with many other like-minded builders and investors and turned them into major converts as well! 

Thank you, NFT Godfather!